Arbrea Breast PRO

From: $399.00 / month

Arbrea Breast PRO includes the following features: 

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Reduction
  • Breast Scars Indicator
  • Breast Asymmetry
  • 3D Mode
  • Augmented Reality
  • Sculpting
  • Breast Catalogue
  • Measurements
  • Database Export Tool
  • Lindapp Advanced 


Experience the power of the Arbrea Ecosystem with Arbrea Breast PRO. Arbrea Breast PRO offers the highest level of excellence by leveraging artificial intelligence to provide the best immersive experience with Augmented Reality and 3D visualisation. Show your patients visually how different implant options will look on them. This will support quicker decision-making. Furthermore, optimise your consultation by saving time. Live the whole experience with Arbrea Breast PRO features:

  • Augmented Reality: Extremely precise AR that allows a Mirroring experience
  • 3D Mode: The simplest 3D to use ever in the same tool, all in the same place
  • Measurements: Automatic calculation of the patients’ body
  • Sculpting: The modes Vertical Lift, Implant Type, Implant Base, and Implant Projection allow you to be the artist.
  • Implant Catalogue: Need to show a precise implant from a precise brand? No problem. This Feature was made for that.
  • Breast Reduction: Mastopecy, Implant removal, Asymmetries. All you need is there.
  • Live AR Mode: Arbrea is the only tool in the market with an AR remote option.

In Arbrea Breast PRO, the doctor will have AR and 3D all in the same software. Last but not least, by opting for Arbrea Breast PRO, you get access to Lindapp advanced. Lindapp is the first AR app made especially for patients and a powerful marketing tool for plastic surgeons. Patients can modify the size of their breasts and observe the changes in their bodies as if they were looking in the mirror, even before the consultation and from the comfort and privacy of their home. 

Arbrea Breast PRO is simple, safe, and fast to use. It is available on Ipad or iPhone. Simulate potential breast surgery outcomes in less than 90 seconds, and show the difference directly on the patient’s body in real-time. You can choose the plan that suits you the most, monthly, quarterly or yearly. We have a special offer to buy the complete Arbrea Ecosystem. Be an Arbrea expert and join the medical metaverse revolution!